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Bid management & leveling
Add or delete a bid package in a project
Add or delete a bid package in a project

How to add or delete a bid package in a project

Écrit par Caroline Basecqz
Updated over a week ago

There are 3 ways to create a bid packages depending on where you are:

  1. In the "Documents" of het menu "Bid management", as soon as you associate a document with one or more bid packages that have not yet been created, they will be added to the list of bid packages.

  2. In the "Job items" of het menu "Bid management", in the same way, bid packages will be automatically created if you associate them with one or more items in the BOQ.

  3. In the "Bid packages" of het menu "Bid management", by clicking on "+ bid package" on the right side of the screen.

PS: In each of the 3 possibilities, you will be offered the list of the company's default bid packages. By writing the name on your keyboard, the search will start throughout the list. If the written bid package is not found, then click on "Add to list". This bid package will be created for your project only. It will therefore not be saved in the default bid packages of the account for future projects. 

To delete a bid package from a project, go to the "Bid management" menu, then on "Bid Packages", move your mouse near the package to be removed and then click on the "Delete" button that appears on the right of the line. PS: Be careful that these actions are irreversible and all the content of these lots will be lost.

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