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Bid management & leveling
Manage the price request made to a company
Manage the price request made to a company

Status, activity flows, notes, calls, documents and contacts related to a company's price request

Écrit par Caroline Basecqz
Updated over a week ago

Status of the price request

You will find a list of all bidders with a specific status linked to it in each bid package in the "Bid packages" of the "Bid management" menu. These statuses are updated automatically, depending on the stage of the request and the actions of the bidder:

  • Invitation not sent: company has been added but not yet invited.

  • Invitation sent: the submitted company has received the request by email but has not accepted, nor refused to respond to it yet.

  • Open invitation: the bidder has opened the request but has not accepted, nor refused to respond to it yet

  • Invitation accepted/refused: the bidder has accepted or refused to respond to the request.

  • Offer received: the company has sent its offer.

  • Offer received (edited): the company sent you its offer and it was then edited by your company.

  • Selected offer.

It is possible to update a status manually by accessing the corresponding company.

Company page

On the Smartbeam application, by opening the price request made to a company, you and your colleagues on the same file can find all the automated activity flow related to this request (date, author and action):

  • Sending the initial invitation

  • Reminders

  • Messages (sent or received with the company)

  • Actions on the side of the bidding company: opening of the link, acceptance/refusal to bid, receipt of bids and documents

From the activity flow, you can do other actions (see the action buttons to the right of the activity flow):

  • Add notes or calls related to the price request to a company, to remind you of them or when you are working together on the same file. These notes are internal and are not visible to the company consulted.

  • Send a reminder

  • Send or reply to a message

In addition, in this screen, you can also:

  • Manually change the status of the price request (click on "Status" above the screen)

  • Add received documents, including the offer if received separately from Smartbeam (see "Documents" section on the right of the screen)

  • Invite other contacts from the same company, who will automatically receive the request as well as future reminders and messages (in "Contacts" section)

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