Responding to a price request

How download documents, ask a question and submit my offer ?

Écrit par Caroline Basecqz
Updated over a week ago

After receiving a bid request by email from the Smartbeam application, the link allows you to access the project information, download the documents, ask questions and submit your offer with any annexes.

Submit an offer

To submit a quote, you must first accept or decline the request to inform the applicant and then submit your offer.

Once you have accepted, you can then download all relevant documents.

An activity stream also allows you to track the date of receipt, any reminders and messages you may send, as well as the responses received. So don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have, your contact person will be automatically notified.

Link Availability

The link of the price request is still accessible as long as the applicant has not chosen the selected offer or the deadline for submission of bids has not passed.

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